The Sustainable Agriculture & Forestry

Scholarship Endowment Fund

Sustainable Farming

Stories Demonstrate Financial Advantages

Newsletter No. 11 published in May 2020 highlights examples of farmers who gained significant financial advantages by Letting Nature do Its Work

Here are references to those articles:

Safeguarding Soil

A Smart Way to Protect Farmers, Taxpayers, and the Future of Our Food

“Can moving from traditional cropping systems to regenerative agriculture be profitable?

I believe the answer to that question is a resounding yes.”

Monetizing cover crops improves profitability for Iowa farmers, study shows

MN farmers with environmental/conservation focused practices experienced higher average ($92,821 v. $73,643) and median ($40,008 v. $33,377) net farm incomes than “conventional practitioners.”


Rotating Crops, Turning Profits

How Diversified Farming Systems Can Help Farmers While Protecting Soil and Preventing Pollution

Gross income of $100,000 per acre per year

“You know about us because we're a small farm with a big name.

We've shown that no-till vegetable production is not only possible, but can be highly productive and profitable. We've quadrupled our soil organic matter, without nutrient leaching, while nearly tripling the total microbial life in our soils. We've increased bird and native bee populations and diversity. We've increased native perennial plant diversity and density. We've dramatically reduced water usage per crop, and we're producing roughly $100,000 in vegetable sales per crop acre per year with over half of that revenue paying our year-round employees' salaries.”